Contact us

In order for us to help you better please please know the following information before calling/emailing Pulley Boys:

1. What kind of car do you have?
2. What is the diameter of your pulley, in INCHES?
3. What is the offset of your pulley? Determining your offset diagram shown here.
4. Is your current pulley keyed or press fit?

If you do not include the offset measurement, groove count, and shaft diameter in the below form then it will just result in a reply asking for this information.
Please review our FAQ for offset information

Although helpful information to be sure, simply stating that you have X blower is not enough information to determine what pulley you have or need.
The above questions will be asked over the phone and if you don't know the answers to them, then we may not be able to help you. If you know those answers and still need help then give us a call at 360-832-1990.
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We are always glad to help you.
Our location
41026 Ski Park Rd E Eatonville WA 98328 United States
Phone & Email
Phone: 360-832-1990